art Just Another Beep-Boop Machine Just Another Beep-Boop Machine is a small artwork, made to create an opportunity to play with music. A participant can punch holes in the provided cards, which are then used as the input information for the device to play a tune.
art The Mansfield Reporter The Mansfield Reporter is a device which can generate new text from some of history's greatest authors. By pressing the red button, you will be shown a new passage from either Friedrich Nietzsche, William Shakespeare, or Gertrude Stein.
devices The Continued Connection Device Here is a fun little invention, created so that you can acknowledge a strong connection between yourself and an other individual.
art The Dial Me a Story Phone The Dial Me a Story Phone is a little invention to help bring a little story into your ear. The body is a classic Northern Telecom wall-phone, but the guts have had a bit of an upgrade.
art The Thermal Printing Doorbell Doorbells are boring. Everyone deserves a doorbell which introduces them to their visitor in an inviting way. This is the Thermal Printing Doorbell. It plays a little melody, then leaves you a little message.